Poem 22- As I Walk

As I walk along this path,
I wonder what is in store for me,
How will I look to the,
And who will my companion be. 

I hike looking for a sign or two,
A place where I can meet with you,
And the one who will carry me through. 

My hike has been long and tough,
I have gotten into the rough,
And my appearence has gathered some scruff. 

But my spirits are high you see,
Because God has parted the sea,
And is creating a union of us three.   

Poem 21- Sometimes

Sometimes we laugh and sometimes we cry.

Sometimes we are left behind and wish we would die.

Sometimes we sing and sometimes we dance

Sometimes we long for another chance.

Sometimes we have and sometimes we don't.

Sometimes we wish to act, but we won't.

Sometimes we want and sometimes seek.

Sometimes we long to fight, but are too meek.

Sometimes we lose and sometimes we win.

Sometimes we fail into falling in sin.

Sometimes I ponder how I was so blind.

And wonder if I was out of my mind.

Nine Inch Nails "The Day The World Went Away" Interpretation

"I listen to the words he'd say" -Someone talking about me.

"But in his voice I heard decay" -Pain.

"The plastic face forced to portray" -The front that all is well.

"All the insides left cold and gray" -The emptiness.

"There is a place that still remains" -Hope.

"It eats the fear it eats the pain" -My hope carries me.

"The sweetest price you'll have to pay" -My heart.

"The day the whole world went away" -When my heart was broken.